The most commonly used guarantees are as under:
Bid Bond (Tender Bond)
Performance Bond Guarantee
Advance Payment Guarantees
Counter Guarantee
Deferred Payment / Supplier Credit Guarantee 
I take this opportunity to thank all the shareholders for the confidence, positive response towards us and in supporting us to achieve greater heights in our performance
With the strength of our senior management team, detail and broad market knowledge and true professionalism combined with excellent performance in every aspects, there is enough reasons for optimism, prominent amongst which is management'
NCBLNational Cooperative Bank Limited (NCBL) was established in 2003, as the only bank in the cooperative movement of Nepal at national level, in exercise of the power conferred by the sub-section 4 of section 26 under the then prevailing Cooperative Act, 1992 (first amendment, 2000) and from the recommendation of Nepal Rastra bank (Central bank of Nepal) as an umbrella institution to provide banking and financial services to all its member cooperatives following the long and continuous demand and efforts of cooperators
The member cooperative registered with internet banking service and subscribed to the Cheque Transfer Service through application form can browse the portal for transferring the amount from their saving account maintained at NCBL to any other BFI'
Based on the proposal passed by the annual general meeting, the NCBL Board has established a training department with a training sub-committee at its head office to conduct regular training programs for its members